A dear friend asked me how I felt having the book come out in the world, and I realized what I feel is joy. Beast Body Epic is provoked by my near-death health crisis, which means the book contains some harrowing imagery, but it also is relatable for many people, either caregivers or those who have gone through trauma. Maybe it is cathartic to share and connect with others with similar experiences and maybe I am just still grateful to be alive, but regardless, the publication and sharing of this book is something that makes me happy.
I had no idea when I made a plan to publish the book through AngelHousePress, my own press, what the reception would be. I still don’t entirely know, but I felt it was vital and urgent to get this book out and into the hands of those who’ve experienced their own health trauma or that of loved ones.
In many ways, it’s a risk to do this and I admit that the little imposter syndrome voice has been whispering in my ear since I made the decision and continues to do so, but the other voice that says, “fuck it, you have to do this and you have to do it now” has drowned out the little imposter voice. So here we are. And just like with health issues, I could let myself get blue and feel anxious all the time about the unknown, , and I admit I do this often, but I can also enjoy this moment, and anticipate the fun and joy of Beast Body Epic’s journey into the world.
“By beauty, then, I mean slippage, I mean untetherment; I mean letting go, letting go of certainty, of expectation.” Where Things Touch, A Meditation on Beauty by Bahar Orang (Book*Hug, 2020)
If you’d like to purchase a copy, please visit AngelHousePress.
In October, I will start talking more about the launches planned in Toronto, Montreal and on Zoom and the dear friends who will be celebrating along with me through the reading of their great work. The book’s publication is part of my planned 60th birthday celebration. I am not interested in cake or booze, I want to be with my darling husband, Charles and surrounded by friends and poetry. This is a joyous time for me.
Sending you joy, love and hugs from a rainy September morning.