Buy My Books !
Here’s a handy guide for those who would like to purchase my recent and older books and chapbooks. I’ve left off the older chapbooks, which are most likely out of print. But please, if you like anything you read about here, buy it! Or refer to a friend. Or buy one for a friend. Or write a review!
The Seasons, An Excerpt from Upper Zygonia, a digital chapbook published by Full House Literary, 2024. £3.50.
“From Amanda Earl’s enchanted imagination comes The Seasons, set in Upper Zygonia, a fantastical planet filled with seadragons, nymphs, burlesque dancers, burgundy ravens, and Tarot readings for mourners. A place where the dead morph into trees and the Library of Whimsy is open all night. The sections of the chapbook explore various seasons in Upper Zygonia, each associated with a different colour—White, the season of Clarity; Purple, the season of mourning; Orange, the season of energy. Through her dazzling narrative and visual poetry, Earl transports us to a cherished planet—a place of marmalade nights, mooncakes and mermaids—offering an earthy, whimsical and wise vision.”
Katy Wimhurst - writer, visual artist, and author of Snapshots of the Apocalypse (Fly on the Wall Press, 2022), Let Them Float (Alien Buddha Press, 2023) and Fifty-One Trillion Bits (Trickhouse Press, 2023).
Beast Body Epic is a collection of long poems provoked by my near death health crisis and published through AngelHousePress in 2023. $20.
"Beast Body Epic is a hypnotic chronicle of illness and recovery witnessed through a kaleidoscopic looking-glass. Equally tender and brutal with honesty, Earl gives us a beguiling long-form poem about what the body and spirit can endure and how we can survive and thrive. Wisdom crafts this work, a deeply lived understanding that can only come from enduring the unendurable. Luscious and wildly resonant, Beast Body Epic will astound, move, and give you strength." Sandra Ridley, author of Vixen.
Leviticus, the Vispo Bible is a translation into visual poetry of the Book of Leviticus from the Old Testament of the King James Bible. It was published by Sigitlist Press in 2023.
“Part of Earl’s long visual poem that strives to transform each book of the Bible, this installment is a beautiful and vital series of 27 full-color visual poems, one for each chapter of Leviticus. $15.” Andrew Brenza, Publisher of Sigilist Press.
Genesis, The Vispo Bible translates the biblical tale of creation into visual poetry, each of the book's 50 chapters represented by one visual poem. At times delicate and beautiful as flowers, at times menacing as a black hole these poems reveal new aspects of Genesis and the chaos of creation. Published by Timglaset Editions in 2022. €12.00.
These works "embody the every essence of primordial processes and forma, and suggest the profound capacity of articulation to be a primal force of creation." (Johanna Drucker)
Touble is a long poem about a lust affair published as a pamphlet by Hem Press in 2022. £7.00.
“Exploring desire through popular culture, literature, language and mythology, Earl takes readers on an intoxicating journey: a jolt of innovative erotica.” Richard Capener, Editor of Hem Press.
Kiki, a long poem collection about Montparnasse between the Wars with a focus on Kiki de Montparnasse published by Chaudiere Books, 2014 and now offered through Invisible Publishing. $20.
“Inventive mash-ups, creative cut-ups, an emotional imaginary memoire: in Kiki, Amanda Earl turns ‘the crazy years’ of 1920s Montparnasse—les années folles—into poems folles, a playful, sensual and vivid world of language where the vital zeitgeist of artistic Paris becomes a sexy, surreal, witty and incisive verbal cabaret, ‘a mechanical contraption, all dancer. A star.'”—Gary Barwin
Chapbooks include Fear of Elevators available from me directly or Turret House Press . I have 10 chapbooks published from above/ground press, the latest of which is THE BEFORE, an Excerpt from Welcome to Upper Zygonia.
Lament Doll was published by Ethel Zine Press as a tiny, hand-stitched chapbook in 2020 and I think there might still be copies available.
Also available as an e-book on Amazon is A World of Yes, my erotic novella about a woman who falls asleep during her 35th birthday party and misses an orgy. $6.86 CAD.
"Amanda Earl somehow manages to keep the sexual heat turned up, even when Bonnie veers close to the edge of ridiculous. Having edited her collection of short stories, I already knew that Ms. Earl could write gorgeous, intense, transgressive erotica, the sort of stories that melt you as you read. I didn’t realize she had such comic talent. Bonnie had me laughing out loud, even though I knew her sexual-existential crisis was fundamentally a serious issue." Lisabet Sarai, erotica author and editor.
Finally, you can pick up my filthy collection of short smut, Coming Together Presents Amanda Earl, published by Coming Together, as an e-book or a physical book over on Amazon.
“Coming Together Presents Amanda Earl, edited by Lisabet Sarai, ramps up the heat especially well. Amanda seduces not only the libido but also the mind, sometimes subtly (although the sex is seldom subtle) and sometimes very blatantly indeed. In the editor’s introduction the book is described as “literary—and literate—erotica,” which is quite true. There are frequent literary references, and characters with backgrounds in (or aspirations to) the literary world, but the sure-handed quality of the prose—raw when it needs to be, even brutal, introspective at times, poignant, complex, and memorable—is what makes it both literary and literate.
I was especially intrigued by the variety of points of view in these stories. Often (but not always) female, occasionally older women with younger men, with a nice range of characterization from deliciously dominant to deeply submissive to downright surreal.” Sacchi Green, erotic author.
In sum, please buy my books, and support authors. Recommend books to friends and write about books in reviews, and on social media. If you do BookTok (I don’t so far), chat up one of my books there too. I’m really happy to have had a long career as a writer and I’m especially relieved and pleased when something I’ve made goes out into the world.