Greetings Dear Readers,
The poems in this month issue are both whimsical and serious, moving from the deep blue sea to the sky. I hope you enjoy the issue.
Soon we will be back in the swing of things with the onset of autumn, with its busy literary season, but there are still many events and other literary activities to enjoy, including radio shows hosted on Carleton University’s community radio station CKCU FM. Starting on Sunday, you can listen to An Indian Morning which includes interviews with writers. On Wednesdays, on CKCU, Hans G. Ruprecht and Helmut Zobl report the literary news in English, French and German. Also on Wednesday, selector Jagjeet Sharma hosts Asian Sounds where she interviews writers. On Thursday night, the Third World Players offer a multi-cultural perspective on literature and other topics. On Friday, Susan Johnston hosts Friday Special Blend, where she features interviews with writers, artists, musicians and more. You can listen live or on-demand via the recorded shows.
Thanks to our selection committee this month:
Jesse Aubin
Dan Boland
Chris Johnson
Sarah Kabamba
Andrew Lafleche
Margo Lapierre
Stephanie Mason
Kemisha Newman
Jade Riordan
Jagjeet Sharma
Marjorie Silverman
Carol A. Stephen
JC Sulzenko
If you have questions, comments, suggestions or a conversation beneath a shady tree to offer, please contact me at
Amanda Earl
Managing Editor
For regular event updates, please follow us on Twitter or join our FaceBook fan page.