One of the lovely benefits to social media is these serendipitous discoveries. On Instagram, I saw a post from a writer friend, Ian Roy mentioning a mail art project by friends of his, visual artist Heidi Conrod and writer Joanne Proulx. The work is being exhibited at the Hum Gallery in Stittsville. On Heidi’s site, there are templates which you can download and add to, then mail to them or submit to them via FB or Instagram. Here’s info on where to send your wonderful work. I love the idea of this project.
I am a huge fan of mail art. One of my favourite mail art projects is Nicola Winborn’s Attic Zine. Nicola invites contributors from all over the world. For each issue of the zine, she chooses a colour and asks twenty people to send twenty pages, each one signed, numbered and dated of 8 inches long x 5.5 inches wide. I’ve contributed to several, and some of the pieces from Welcome to Upper Zygonia, my book-length series of Utopian poems, began as contributions to the zine.
Here is a Leafling of Upper Zygonia