I read Section V on Friday Special Blend with Susan Johnston. This is the feisty, fight back bit. Lots of sex references and a joie de vivre that comes from being in the 9th circle of Hell and climbing out (mostly climbing out)…sometimes the Reaper pulls you back in for a spell.
One of the songs that I chose for section V of Beast Body Epic is Epic by Shovels & Rope, a folk duo consisting of Michael Trent and Cary Ann Hearst. This song features the great Lera Lynn, who I first heard on the soundtrack for True Detective. She has an absolutely bad ass sexy take no shit voice. I love the confidence of her in this song.
It's cryin', bleedin', lying on the floor
So you lay down on it and you do it some more
You gotta share it, so you dare it
And then you bare it and you tear it
Epic, Shovels & Rope
One of the things I heard when I had my ileostomy appliance was someone saying they would kill themselves if they had to live that way. I don’t remember how I reacted to that piece of ridiculous and ableist bullshit. There are riches to be had in this life. The body and the mind aren’t perfect machines. We get sick, we have to deal with all kinds of crap. All of the excremental puns are on purpose here. The ileostomy bag wasn’t that awful. Without the ileostomy, I wouldn’t be alive.
I had a reversal of the ileostomy in 2011 and all my bits are now back inside (and still giving me trouble from time to time), but there’s nothing like seeing the contents of your bowels constantly spilling out of you into a little baggie on the outside of your body that keeps you humble and gives you a fabulous sense of comedy.
Since my health crisis the most important thing to me is care, taking care of others, seeing how I can contribute to making the world a better place. I do this in my own small ways through my writing, through Bywords.ca and AngelHousePress.
I say all the time that I don’t waste time on bullshit. (More shit puns!) I don’t put up with uncaring people or those who exploit or harm others. My bios are ridiculously long with my identity: I am a polyamorous, pansexual intersectional feminist, and an anti-racist bully. I recognize that I have such privilege being a cis-white settler. I include these things in my bio so that others will know that they are not alone, that they are cared for. I don’t know if it helps, but I think it’s better than silence and pretending that everything is ok. It is not. We kindred caring folk need to find one another. I write so that fellow misfits do not feel alone. Misfit means someone who doesn’t fit in to conventional society. I don’t, but I have the luxury of being able to choose if I fit in or not. Many people don’t have that luxury.
My health crisis and ongoing issues with bowels (Call me Mrs Wonky Bowels) reminds me that life is a difficult road, but I’m very grateful to be on it still and not heading toward the light…
When I hear Epic, I see myself in leather walking down the street, strutting and swaying my hips, having red roses thrown at me. Hah ha! This section of the book fills me with joy. I’m alive and I am so fucking grateful.
Here’s Shovel & Rope with Epic:
You can listen to the Spotify Playlist or the Youtube Playlist for more music that I chose for Beast Body Epic.
You can purchase Beast Body Epic here.
Or if you’re in Ottawa, let me know and we can meet for coffee/tea and I’ll bring you a signed copy of the book. There will eventually be a reading in Ottawa. Stay tuned! Readings in November in Montreal and Toronto and on Zoom too!