Image description: rows of chairs outside
I just want to take a moment to acknowledge my grief. When a loved one dies, we have memories and we have grief. Memories are precious. I wish I remembered everything about my dear friend, Ron. We had plans to meet for coffee in November 23. I got Covid, so we ended up having to wait. I think the next time I saw him was early in 24. We had coffee at Art House Cafe. He bought a copy of Beast Body Epic. He always supported my creativity. He bought all my books. I can't remember if I gave him any chapbooks.
It's 6 am on a Monday morning in late October. The bedroom window is open. I love the cold breeze. I woke up hot. There's a momentary siren blast. When i hear sirens, I offer a hope to those suffering and their families that all will be well.
I hope that this is true..for you. For me. In this moment I feel grief. After someone dear is gone, grief remains. It is something we still have of them.
Imagine description: chair with bicycle wheel leaning against a tree.