Octopus Books Glebe
Time and Place: 116 Third
Web: octopusbooks.ca/events
Email: events@octopusbooks.ca
June 6 - BOOK LAUNCH: AGENT OF CHANGE BY HUDA MUKBIL. 7pm Registration required octopusbooks.ca/event/book-launch-agent-of-change-by-huda-mukbil
June 8 - BOOK LAUNCH: WE MEANT WELL BY ERUM SHAZIA HASAN 7pm https://octopusbooks.ca/event/book-launch-we-meant-well-by-erum-shazia-hasan
Perfect Books
Time and Place: 258A Elgin
Web: perfectbooks.ca/
readings, signings; accessibility note: 1 stair up to store.
June 6 - Fareh Malik x Jamie Chai Yun Liew 6:30 pm
June 17 - Wayne Ng 1pm
June 20 - Sheri Segal Glick 6:30 pm
June 21 - Luise von Flotow, translator of Thomas Melle's The World At My Back 6:30pm
June 22 - Joe Thottungal with a special cooking presentation, 5pm
June 27 - Jennifer Falkner 6:30pm
June 28 - James Moran 6:30 pm
Ottawa Storytellers Online Story Swap
Time and Place: 7:30 pm.
Web: www.ottawastorytellers.ca/story-swap
Attendees are invited to listen or to tell a story 5-10 minutes in length. via Zoom