Image description: Book with red and white and black cover sits on a table on an angle. Text: Beast Body Epic / Amanda Earl. Image: visual poem in black text shaped like a bird.
Here are some lovely comments from Facebook about the book from Tanis MacDonald and Carla Harris.
“April is nearly over and with it #nationalpoetrymonth but I was reading Amanda Earl's Beast Body Epic and having the top of my head blown off -- to paraphrase Emily Dickinson -- so thought I should say so. Elee Kraljii Gardiner writes an introduction to the book, and I want to see more of that: other poets introducing works in the first edition of books. Not cover blurbs, but full short essays praising the book and considering its context. Not in reprints. Right away. About the book itself, holy moley -- it IS epic and its description of a medical crisis and its long aftermath is "for everyone who's circled the drain or knows someone who has." Yes. #readpoetry #readpoetryeverydamnday #noreallyyoullloveit #amandaearl #beastbodyepic #amreading” Tanis MacDonald
God I loved this book, I nodded with that bitter smirk of familiarity again & again. Thank you, Amanda Earl!! Carla Harris
I am really grateful when Beast Body Epic reaches readers, connects with them. It’s one of the reasons, the main reason I wrote the book and write anything, so that kindreds don’t feel alone. Thank you to Tanis and Carla for writing about the book and sharing their thoughts on social media.
If you would like a copy of Beast Body Epic, you can order it from AngelHousePress or just message me directly .
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I hope the end of April is bringing you joy. As
wrote in her Substack, Anne of Green Places, “Spring is not linear, though it carries on.”