Image description: a puddle reflects the blue sky on a sidewalk
when the love for this world gets too big
and achy inside me, I still catch myself
begging—give us our kisses, our fingers
in the dirt, our sweat and our sweetness.
Give us time. Please, just a little longer
in these bones. Joy Sullivan, Buttercream
Spring is not linear, though it carries on.
, Anne of Green PlacesArt is the only way to run away without leaving home. Twyla Tharp, Push Comes to Shove.
"Beauty must be in conversation with care--there can be no alternative for me! So when I say beauty, I mean the slow approach of alive things, meeting each other in all their complexity and longing."Bahar Orang, Where Things Touch, A Meditation on Beauty
why do you write they ask why do you breathe i ask.
Alta, I am not a practicing angel.
I hope your week was productive and joyous, that you received care and were able to give care to others.
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I love reading through your collected quotes, and in fact made one of my prompts about quotes.
I used to hand out little notebooks at all my shows, and inside the front was a quote I loved. Like little fortunes. And often the people who would receive the notebooks would find me at shows at open their filled notebooks and tell me the quote inspired them.
I hope your week was also joyous and I am going to go into the day looking for tiny whimsies. 💖