Thank you to presses and journals in Quebec for their support of the AngelHousePress 2023 Caring Imagination Crowd Funding Campaign.
Metatron Press, publisher of graphic novel, experimental novellas, poetryis donating its complete 2022 catalogue:
Frankie Barnet, Kim: A Novel Idea (graphic novel)
Šari Dale, Para-Social Butterfly (poetry)
Trynne Delaney, the half-drowned (novella)
Bára Hladík, New Infinity (poetry & prose)
Turret House, a micropress dedicated to Canadian experimental poetry, is donating a year’s worth of poetry chapbooks.
Vallum is donating two recent issues of its magazine and two chapbooks.
I am grateful to Metatron, Turret House and Vallum for donating publications to the campaign. By backing our campaign to pay our contributors, you have the opportunity to choose one of these or other great perks! While we have reached our target, I am hoping to raise more money to enable us to pay our contributors more than the minimum of $50 per contributor. Thanks for your help!