These are such perfect quotes for the beginning of a new week. Really important reminders to stay focused and do beautiful things.

Thank you for sharing your birthday with us. I’m so happy that you are here. That we are kindred.

61 seems like a beautiful and unfathomably exciting number. When I was a kid I couldn’t imagine being more than 21. Not in a morbid way just in a WOW 21 is so old.

But now that I’m 45, and my friends are all over the age continuum…it feels like no age is old…just a counter, a marker, for how long we’ve been here.

That old was a word created to tell us we were no longer capable. And I’m glad I had a great grandmother and grandma who told me that was nonsense. Who pronounced their ages loud and proud and told me to do the same.

“They’ll try to keep you at 29.” My Granze said. “Don’t let them.”

I’m glad to be on the path following behind you and seeing your sign-posts and reminders. Actually, it feels, often like we are walking next to each other.

Thank you for your whimsy and your commitment to helping the voiceless use their voices. Thank you for writing your words, your stories, your poems, and drawing your heart.

I love you. Happy birthday. May this time around the sun bring sparkling magic and so much love.

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i love you too, dear Wake. and i am supportive of all you do. thank you for walking beside me, ahead of me and everywhere. xo

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