I’m so grateful to you and your openness about sex and related topics. I got to have a wondrous chat with a new friend this morning and it was open, and playful, and we got to talk about sex and use fun words I hadn’t been able to use for awhile. So refreshing! I’m very much like you in that sex and my brain are very intricately tied. Wi…
I’m so grateful to you and your openness about sex and related topics. I got to have a wondrous chat with a new friend this morning and it was open, and playful, and we got to talk about sex and use fun words I hadn’t been able to use for awhile. So refreshing! I’m very much like you in that sex and my brain are very intricately tied. Without fabulous conversation there is no sex in the cards for me. When I realized that there were other people like me, it was so…heartening.
My first lovers were books. So it makes sense that my brain finds words pleasurable.
I remember writing a “sexy” poem once and having my partner at the time so ashamed of me that I changed the entire poem and never performed the original.
But when I had my second sexual awakening in my 30s I felt so lucky to get a do-over.
Now, much like you, I’m happy to have a partner where we have a cerebral connection and a simpatico sexual connection. It’s been interested to see how my feelings and experiences around sex have changed the way I view it.
I am so happy to have a friend like you, who is candid and open. I often miss my former community because it wasn’t taboo to talk about sex, pleasure and kink.
Today we had to whisper a word on the trail so that we didn’t become “the talk of the town”. That hurt my heart.
Thank you for the reminder that there are people willing to chat about sex with ease. I appreciate you!
(The laughing emoji here is laughing with the coincidence and not at people who fall in love with objects. That I totally get! The guava story is actually taken from my actual life)
I’m so grateful to you and your openness about sex and related topics. I got to have a wondrous chat with a new friend this morning and it was open, and playful, and we got to talk about sex and use fun words I hadn’t been able to use for awhile. So refreshing! I’m very much like you in that sex and my brain are very intricately tied. Without fabulous conversation there is no sex in the cards for me. When I realized that there were other people like me, it was so…heartening.
My first lovers were books. So it makes sense that my brain finds words pleasurable.
I remember writing a “sexy” poem once and having my partner at the time so ashamed of me that I changed the entire poem and never performed the original.
But when I had my second sexual awakening in my 30s I felt so lucky to get a do-over.
Now, much like you, I’m happy to have a partner where we have a cerebral connection and a simpatico sexual connection. It’s been interested to see how my feelings and experiences around sex have changed the way I view it.
I am so happy to have a friend like you, who is candid and open. I often miss my former community because it wasn’t taboo to talk about sex, pleasure and kink.
Today we had to whisper a word on the trail so that we didn’t become “the talk of the town”. That hurt my heart.
Thank you for the reminder that there are people willing to chat about sex with ease. I appreciate you!
thank you, dear Wake. you can sing the whispered word aloud to me sometime over tea.
i love that your first lovers were books. that's perfect.
on a slight tangent...did you ever see Married to the Eiffel Tower, a film about attraction to inanimate objects? it's great! https://watchdocumentaries.com/married-to-the-eiffel-tower/
Oh my gosh! I can’t wait for virtual tea (when our schedules allow). I will absolutely sing the word! It’s one of my favourites!
I am super excited to check out this documentary! I literally read my chapter about a person who was in love with a guava just today 🤣💖🤣
(The laughing emoji here is laughing with the coincidence and not at people who fall in love with objects. That I totally get! The guava story is actually taken from my actual life)
as always there is serendipity in our interactions :)
i can totally see being in love with fruit. i am now craving a guava, which i don't recall ever eating.
The half guava I met in Honolulu was transcendent. I’m not sure I’ll ever meet its equal.